School of Humanities

Room 3: Focus on technology-supported language learning
3A) Daniela Avello / Carmen Muñoz, University of Barcelona: How suitable are captioned-animated cartoons for primary school learners?
3B) Emilie Charles, INSA-Lyon / Emilie Magnat, Université Lyon 2 / Marie-Pierre Jouannaud, Université Paris 8 / Coralie Payre-Ficout, Université Grenoble Alpes / Mathieu Loiseau, INSA-Lyon: Effect of an EFL listening comprehension learning game on phonemic awareness in French
3C) Lenka Garshol / Susan Erdmann, University of Agder: The use of digital tools in early instructed language learning
3D) Sarah Reader, Chemnitz University of Technology: Asynchronous Intercultural Video Exchange Project for Young EFL Learners: An Exploratory Study
3E) [CANCELLED] Benedikt Wagner, University of Paderborn: Fostering L2 Reading Motivation through the Use of Digital "Choose Your Own Adventure" Stories in the Primary EFL Classroom
Room 4: Focus on teaching Programs
4A) [CANCELLED] Joanna Baumgart / Martin Koch / Kristin Kersten, Stiftung Universität Hildesheim: Digitally yours: TBLT through the lens of digital competence
4B) Rowena Kasprowicz / Heike Krüsemann, University of Reading: Progression in Primary Languages: A longitudinal study of the route and rate of language learning in primary school in England
4C) Martina Kramar, University of Zagreb / KGS Leoschule Neuss: Qualitative Content Analysis of German Language Subject Curriculum for Primary Education in the Republic of Croatia in Terms of Intercultural Competence
4D) Yuki Otsuki, Meiji University: CAN-DO List Clarifies English Objectives for Japanese Elementary School Pupils and Teachers
Room 5: Focus on teaching methodology
5A) Mirjam Anugerahwati / Irene Maria Cahyaningtyas Rinukti, Universitas Negeri Malang: Enhancing students´ writing competences through the four-square writing method
5B) Anna Bitman, University of Potsdam: "Getting what I know across" - Insights into embodiment-based L2 communication on scientific terminology in CLIL primary school science classes
5C) Joel Guttke, University of Duisburg-Essen: The subject-specific operationalization of cognitive activation in primary EFL education. Developing student and teacher questionnaires
5D) Nataliia Sharkova, Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies / Svitlana Sharkova, H.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine: The ways of improving memory performance by engaging young learners in non-verbal activities during foreign language classes