“What’s happening?” Fostering Student Teachers’ Professional Vision

by Marius Ritter (University of Muenster, Germany)


It is a long-standing observation that one of the core requirements for the success of early English as a foreign language (EFL) teaching lies in the qualification of its teachers. This PhD project focuses on how future EFL teachers’ professional vision can be fostered using video-based university courses. 

In the context of empirical education research, video-basedteaching modules have been shown to possess potential for the development of both professional knowledge and situation-specific competences (Kramer et. al 2017). Such video-based approaches often focus on Teachers’ Professional Vision (Seidel & Stürmer 2014), which is highly subject-specific (Gießler, 2018; Elsner et al. 2020). Taking this into account, a class for future EFL teachers was designed at the English Department of WWU Münster to foster this competence. By evaluating 
this course, this project aims to answer the following research question: 

To what extent can a video-based course support student EFL teachers in developing their professional vision with regard to fostering young learners’ speaking competences? 

The course was taught over three semesters in two groups, one using authentic classroom video, the other relying on non-video material (transcripts, audio, etc.). Combined with a control group, a total of about 150 students were evaluated using a video-based pre-/post-evaluation (Junker et al.  2020).  The study follows a mixed-method approach.  Final results will be collected in March 2022 and then evaluated using ANOVA to establish the impact of a video based instruction on students’ professional vision. A qualitative content analysis of the open analysis questions will follow to examine possible qualitative differences between individuals.  Projected results will give further insight into how video-based modules can be used in primary school EFL teacher education. 



Elsner, D., Kreft, A., Niesen, H., & Viebrock, B. (2020). Unterrichtsvideos als Reflexionsanlässe im Englischlehramtsstudium. Herausforderung Lehrer*innenbildung (HLZ), 3(2), 279–299. 

Gießler, R. (2019). Schriftliche Aufgabenformate zur Erfassung und Förderung der professionellen Unterrichtswahrnehmung von angehenden Englischlehrpersonen.  Fremdsprachen Lehren Und Lernen (FLuL), 48(1), 32–49. 

Junker,  R.,  Rauterberg,  T.,  Möller,  K.,  &  Holodynski,  M.  (2020).  Videobasierte Lehrmodule zur Förderung der professionellen Wahrnehmung von heterogenitätssensiblem Unterricht. Herausforderung Lehrer*innenbildung (HLZ), 3(1), 236–255.

Kramer, C., König, J., Kaiser, G. et al. (2017) Der Einsatz von Unterrichtsvideos in der universitären Ausbildung: Zur Wirksamkeit video- und transkriptgestützter Seminare zur Klassenführung auf pädagogisches Wissen und situationsspezifische Fähigkeiten angehender Lehrkräfte. Z Erziehungswiss 20, 137–164 

Seidel, T.  & Stürmer, K.  (2014).  Modeling and measuring the structure of professional vision in preservice teachers. American Educational Research Journal, 51 (4), 739- 771.