Enhancing students’ writing competences through the four-square writing method

by Mirjam Anugerahwati & Irene Maria Cahyaningtyas Rinukti  (University of Negeri Malang, Indonesia)



This study aims to inquire into the use of 4-square method to improve students’ writing competence during learning process at school. The researcher found that writing competence was one of the important skills that students needed to grasp for delivering their thought and ideas. It was not easy for them to deliver their ideas into printed form especially it was not in their mother tongue. As the first graders, they needed kind of tool to help them in the learning process. That is the reason why the four-square writing method urges to implement in this research.(Gould & Gould, 2013). This method can help the students to organize their ideas so that they can write a simple essay about a certain topic. Here, the classroom action research is used to see the result of the four-square method to improve students’ competence in writing skill. In collecting the data, the researcher did the observation and tests. In each cycle, the researcher conducted the test at the end of each cycle. The mean score of each test was compared to know the improvement of the students’ writing. The research result showed the negative students’ improvement as a little bit different treatment at the second cycle but a positive improvement in students’ motivation during the writing process. The mean score in cycle 1 was 88 and in cycle 2 was 81. The negative result happened as in the first cycle, students only complete the sentences given in their four-square form while at the second cycle, they need to make their own sentences in the four-square form by answering the guided questions given. However, their motivation in writing showed improvement such as their questions during the process were decreasing, they can follow the teacher’s direction, answer guideline questions and transfer the result of their four-square writing form into a short simple passage independently. Finally, this method can help the students to elaborate their ideas into a printed form and become their guideline every time they need to do the writing assessment.


Keywords – Writing competence, Young Learner Students, The four-square writing method.



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