ATFLY 2022 Programme

Time (CET) Events    
9:15-9:45 Conference Opening Stefanie Frisch (University of Wuppertal) Karen Glaser (Leipzig University)
  Welcome speeches Ursula Kocher (Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, University of Wuppertal) Brigitte Latzko (Dean of the Faculty of Education, University of Leipzig)
9:45-10:45 Keynote 1 Heiner Böttger (Catholic University Eichstätt-Ingolstadt) & Norbert Schlüter (Leipzig University): Current research in primary foreign language teaching  
10:45-11:00 Coffee Break    
  Panel 1: Input Matters in Teaching YLLs Panel 2: Early L2 Literacy  
  Chair: Annamaria Pinter (Warwick University, UK) Chair: Renata Šamo (Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Croatia)  
11:00-11:40 Johannes Schulz, Catherine Hamilton, Victoria Murphy & Elizabeth Wonnacott (University of Oxford): The impact of multi-word units in early FL learning and teaching contexts. A systematic review Heike Mlakar & Joanna Hirst-Plein (University of Hildesheim): " I leik aiskrim": Cognitive and linguistic predictors of young L2 learners' spelling ability  
11:40-12:20 Holger Limberg (University of Flensburg): On teachers' use of the L1 in primary school EFL classrooms in Germany Constanze Weth (University of Luxembourg): Does plural spelling in French as a foreign language help to improve capitalization of nouns in German, the language of literacy?  
12:20-13:00 Renyu Jiang, Robert Woore & Victoria Murphy (university of Oxford): The effect of orthographic input on young Mandarin-speaking EFL children's English pronunciation learning Krystina Mensing (University of Duisburg-Essen): Preventing early reading and spelling difficulties in inclusive primary EFL education: An evaluation of a phonological awareness training  
13:00-14:00 Lunch break    
  Panel 3: A Focus on Teacher Education Panel 2: Early L2 Literacy (cont'd)  
  Chair: Mateja Dagarin Fojkar (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia) Chair: Julia Reckermann (University of Muenster, Germany)  
14:00-14:40 Sandie Mourão (Nova University): Advances in understanding the role of early English education in Portugal: Intercultural and citizenship education in action Julio Roca de Larios & Yvette Coyle (University of Murcia): The effects of genre-based instruction on report writing with 4th year EFL children in a CLIL science class  
14:40-15:20 Anja Pirih & Silva Bratož (University of Primorska): 'Mini takeaway lesson' as a model for online EFL learning material for young learners Anne Schrader (Leipzig University): Writing in the Primary English Classroom: A Design-Based Research Study  
15:20-16:00 Jana Roos, Hannah Ruhm, Kristin Kersten, Sonja Brunsmeier & Karen Glaser (Universities Potsdam, Hildesheim, Vechta, Leipzig): Effective teaching strategies in the primary EFL classroom - Diverging perspectives? Nuhi Bllaca (University of Vienna): Is collaborative writing beneficial for young EFL learners of low-language proficiency?  
16:00-16:20 Coffee Break    
16:20-17:00 Publisher Presentations    
  Schoolbook presentation by Klett (Playway, Come in, Colour Land) [CANCELLED] Schoolbook presentation by Cornelsen (Sally, Sunshine) Schoolbook presentation by Westermann: Possibilites of digital teaching
17:00-18:00 Keynote 2 Yuko Goto Butler (University of Pennsylvania): Putting children in the center of assessment practice  
18:00-18:15 Closing of Conference Day 1 and invitation to Social Gathering Stefanie Frisch (University of Wuppertal) Karen Glaser (Leipzig University)
18:15-20:00 Dinner Break    
from 20:00 Social Gathering (in Gather)    

Day 2: Friday, 23 September 2022

Time (CET) Events    
8:45-9:00 Day 2 Welcome Stefanie Frisch (University of Wuppertal) Karen Glaser (Leipzig University)
  Panel 4: Bilingual and CLIL programs Panel 5: Pragmatic Competence  
  Chair: Yolanda Ruiz de Zarobe (University of Basque Country, Spain) Chair: Júlia Barón Pares (University of Barcelona, Spain)  
9:00-9:40 Lieselotte Botz (University of Wuppertal): Conceptual and Language Learning in a German Bilingual Primary School - Findings of the BiSY-Study Eva Jakupčević & Mihajla Ćavar Portolan (University of Split): Speech acts in EFL textbooks for young language learners  
9:40-10:20 Anja Steinlen, Daniela Schwarz & Thorsten Pinke (Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg): The transition from elementary school bilingual programs to regular foreign language lessons in secondary schools: A longitudinal perspective Milica Savić & Anders Mysret (University of Stavanger): Young EFL learners' frames of reference for making sense of pragmatic practices: Potential for teaching L2 pragmatics in primary school  
10:20-11:00 Yvette Coyle & Julio Roca de Larios (University of Murcia): Young CLIL learners' perceptions of their strategy use during an on-line writing task Gila A. Schauer (University of Erfurt): Teaching L2 pragmatics to young EFL learners: exploring the potential of two graphic novels  
11:00-11:20 Coffee Break    
11:20-12:00 Publisher Presentations    
12:00-13:00 Poster Presentations    
13:00-14:00 Lunch Break    
  Panel 6: Agent and Stakeholder Perspectives Panel 7: Curricular and Political Perspectives  
  Chair: Carmen Muñoz (University of Barcelona, Spain) Chair: Janet Enever (Umea University, Sweden)  
14:00-14:40 María-Jesús Inostroza (University of Concepción): Young learners' perspectives on English learning experiences: Variations in motivations and attitudes in Chilean primary school Margit Hempel, Markus Kötter & Jutta Rymarczyk (Universities Duisburg-Essen and Siegen & Heidelberg University of Education): Early foreign language teaching in Germany: Recent political and curricular developments  
14:40-15:20 Dominik Rumlich, Raphaela Porsch & Sonja Brunsmeier (Universities Vechta, Magdeburg, Paderborn): Starting early or late? Parental perspectives on the onset of English at primary school Nils Jaekel, Michael Schurig & Markus Ritter (University of Oulu, Technical University of Dortmund, Ruhr University Bochum): Investigating cohort effects of early foreign language learning  
15:20-15:40 Coffee Break    
15:40-16:40 Keynote 3 Florence Myles (University of Essex): Socio-cognitive development in middle childhood and its impact on attitudes and motivation towards learning a foreign language in primary school  
16:40-17:00 Conference closing and information on the conference publication: Stefanie Frisch (University of Wuppertal) Karen Glaser (Leipzig University)


Please note: All times are CET. Time zone converters can assist in finding the time in your location, such as or